Withdraw an existing .au direct priority application

The Priority Allocation Process [https://www.auda.org.au/au-domain-names/au-direct/priority-allocation-process] that governed the allocation of .au direct names opened on 24 March 2022 and closed on 20 September 2022.

Priority applications made during the Priority Allocation Process period are valid only 1 year from Priority Period end date and are required to renew for another year in case the applicants wish to continue holding their applications in contention with other applicants. For .au direct names that are still in Priority Hold status, you can check the status of competing applications at: https://www.auda.org.au/tools/priority-status-tool/.  

In case you wish to withdraw (decline) your application from contention, please enter the eligible domain name below (e.g. forexample.com.au) with your name, and click “submit”. You will receive an email shortly thereafter at your Registrant Contact Email address, which will ask you to confirm that you wish to withdraw your application associated with your eligible domain name.

Prior to submitting your request to withdraw your application, please check you have access to the Registrant Contact Email for the eligible domain name (e.g. forexample.com.au) associated with the application for the .au direct name (e.g. forexample.au).

You can look up the Registrant Contact Email for the eligible domain (e.g. forexample.com.au) here: https://whois.auda.org.au/ and you can update your email contact details by contacting your registrar via their usual method of contact.

Note: Withdrawing an application cannot be undone. Once you have confirmed your withdrawal, you will no longer be able to use the domain name you entered as the basis for a priority status application for the matching .au direct domain name.

Do not include 'http://' or additional characters such as hyphens and spaces when entering the domain name.